

Yesterday I participated in short rack practice. My brain wants to get lower, skate faster, do drills better and balance... but my body says otherwise. Everyone has muscle memory, it all depends on if you have that muscle to support that memory. I do not. Its funny cause last year before I stopped training, I felt like I wasn't going anywhere or getting strong. I now see that I was way off! What I used to be able to do for 90 seconds, I can't even do for 10 seconds.

I've stopped and started skating around 3 or 4 times, but every time I start again I get further in my training then I ever did before. It's kinda like I need to take the time off and away so that what I learned can sink in, then I get back on the ice and start again with more knowledge than before.

I guess the bottom line is that I just want to skate to have fun. It's exercise in disguise.

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